Data transmission rates in optical communication systems are approaching the limits of conventional multiplexing methods. Orbital angular momentum (OAM) in optical vortex beams offers a new degree of freedom and the potential to increase the capacity of free-space optical communication systems, with OAM beams acting as information carriers for OAM division multiplexing (OAM-DM). We demonstrate independent collinear OAM channel generation, transmission and simultaneous detection using Dammann optical vortex gratings (DOVGs). We achieve 80/160 Tbit s(-1) capacity with uniform power distributions along all channels, with 1600 individually modulated quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)/16-QAM data channels multiplexed by 10 OAM states, 80 wavelengths and two polarizations. DOVG-enabled OAM multiplexing technology removes the bottleneck of massive OAM state parallel detection and offers an opportunity to raise optical communication systems capacity to Pbit s(-1) level.